PS: thinking about a new etsy shop illustrating people's family recipes as a gift- I have gotten some positive responses to the above and the pickled bean recipe that I illustrated before...could be fun and everyone has favorite family recipes! {would be cute framed, hanging in a kitchen}
{note} tragically, I dropped my computer and killed it- hence the long hiatus. I am trying to get back on schedule!
Kara- This is AMAZING! So fun! I can't wait to see more and YES you shoud open a shop!
I love your blog, it's wonderful!
I love these illustrated recipes. I have been considering tiling my kitchen back splash with family recipes and found a site that will make tiles with a personal image or text. I would love to see you open a etsy shop, then I could have you make the image for the tile and my kitchen would be beautiful!
Thanks everyone! maybe a new etsy shop in addition to the jewelry shop...
This is so awesome and cute!
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