Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Illustration friday, "frozen" {birdsicles}

The Illustration Friday topic this week is "frozen" so I drew some frosty, frozen birdsicles. Here in Minnesota, we would call them "birds on a stick".
If you don't get that joke, consider yourself lucky. Check out other entries here.


Todd Quackenbush said...

This great! Good job.

Uncanny Festoon said...

Lucky me I don't get it. Could it be cuz I am a Cali girl? Cute, cute, cute!


Pencil Pocket said...

So cute! Love the opposite reds and blues on the birds.

Olivier aubin said...

very nice design!


elizabeth said...


KATEE said...

those are beautiful frozen lil birdies!! :)

hope your holidays were happy happy! :)

Unknown said...

I just wanted to say as an artist perspective "awesome illistration and design" You are so talented.

ps. I get it.