I haven't posted in forever, I know!!! But I have been busy....I painted these birds as an element of the cards that I made for my bridesmaids. The "cards" turned into small books really, and taught me to keep my invitations simple! I didn't photograph a finished one...but I hope that all of my girls were happy to receive them in the mail!
That's not all that I have been working on...
*I created a shirt design for the girls on team, "high heels for hope" . Each of the teammates are raising $2300 for breast cancer research at the three days for the cure walk. I will post the design soon :) I hope the best for the team and their fundraising!!!
*I donated a necklace/earring set to my mother-in-law-to-be's charity silent auction for the Children's Miracle Network
*I attended a really beautiful wedding and made my friend Christina, the beautiful bride, a super sparkly jewelry set {alright, they didn't register for it...I probably won't get a single thing that I registered for in return! top photo}
* I am working on some equally sparkly commissioned earrings for my friend Lauren to wear in her wedding- lots of pressure to create something that someone will wear on her most special day! I will share them when they are finished and have the bride's approval!
*jeez....I went to work too.